Difference Between Discussion And Conclusion To Get A+ In Your PhD Dissertation

Discussion And Conclusion
Discussion and conclusion are the two most important sections of a PhD dissertation. Many authors and researchers often confuse both terms. They think that both the terms are the same, but in reality, both are different. Both have their own definitions and ways of writing. It is already difficult to get an A+ in a dissertation, and if you take both terms as the same, A+ is impossible as well. This is because PhD dissertation is a lengthy, and time taking document.

So one thing is clear that discussion and conclusion are not the same. There exist certain differences between them. In today’s article, we will discuss those differences. Hence, before wasting any further time, let’s get to it.


The discussion part of a PhD dissertation is probably the hardest section to write. It requires you to think about the meaning of the research. An effective discussion section tells your reader about the following questions;
  • What does your research mean?
  • What’s the importance of this particular study?

There are also some things that you need to include within your discussion section. A brief description of those aspects is as follows;

Major Findings of the Study:

In the discussion, you tell your audience about the study’s major findings. Gathering your thoughts and writing on this is extremely hectic. Researchers often know what they’ve done in their research, but they can’t translate it into meaningful words. In such cases, getting PhD dissertation help will prove beneficial. But the goal is still the same. Either you write yourself or hire a service; in the discussion section, you have to explain the findings of your study.

The Meaning of Findings:

Along with explaining the study’s findings, you also need to explain its meaning. Without the explanation of meanings, the results will be useless. For example, you present the results in a very well format. The graphs and tables are outstanding. But you don’t explain the meaning of those graphs. You don’t explain what the curves on those graphs depict? Those curves and tables are useless. If you can’t explain what you did, your research loses its worth too. Therefore, along with the statement of major findings, you need to explain their meaning as well.

Limitations of Findings:

Stating the limitations of your study is also important. Nothing in this world is perfect, and a PhD dissertation can’t be that perfect to have no limitations. Limitations need to be included within a section of the PhD dissertation. The supervisors and readers will look for limitations of the study in the research. If you don’t include those, it will reflect a negative impression, and you may not get an A+ grade. Thus, to get an outstanding grade, you have to write in an outstanding manner.


When you have written the discussion, you shouldn’t forget this part. This is because many researchers confuse the terms and rewrite discussions in the conclusion part. But the fact is that conclusion is something else. So how can researchers avoid this confusion? An easy way for avoiding confusion is to take conclusion as a summary of the whole discussion. There are some other things too that you need to include within your conclusion. A brief description of those things are as follows;

Restate the Major Findings:

In the conclusion part, you should only restate the major findings. I repeat, only major findings. The conclusion part sums up all the information of the discussion. If you keep on describing the results here, too, you will end up with an F grade in your PhD dissertation. This is something that you don’t want. Just try to summarise things and give your verdicts, not explanations.


Restate the Research Question:

The conclusion should restate research questions of the study. This will help the reader in coming back from the results. When the reader reads the research questions, he will develop a better understanding of the whole study. The conclusion is not a place where you can highlight your analysis. It is where you give a verdict, and where the reader analyses your research in the light of your findings.

Highlight the Limitations:

As mentioned earlier, PhD dissertations have limitations. You should only highlight the major limitations of your study in the conclusion part.


All in all, discussion and conclusion are two different sections. The information for both sections will be different as well. Therefore, to get an A+ in your PhD dissertation, you need to understand the above-mentioned points completely.

Albert Barkley

Hello, my name is Albert Barkley. I am working as education consultant with a UK based firm after completion of my PhD. I like to write on different social, tech and education trends.

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