How Do Puzzles Cause Development Of IQ?

A game or a toy which tests the integrity of a person is known as a puzzle. To solve a puzzle, it is necessary for a solver to put different pieces together in order to arrive at the funny solution of the puzzle. The most important thing is that these pieces are put together in a logical way. Crossword, word-search, relational and logic are some essential kinds of puzzles. Nowadays, most of the magazines and newspapers include different kinds of puzzles to increase their viewership. To write an assignment about the causes of puzzles, you can get help from experts in coursework writing services. The causes of puzzles for the development of IQ are given below;

1) Puzzles provide a chance to understand the world around them
According to Psychologists, if a person manipulates the world around him, it will influence his brain to a great extent. Puzzles provide them key opportunity to manipulate the world. By working with the puzzles, a person can easily get an idea about the appearance and shape of the environment.

2) Hand-Eye coordination
To solve a puzzle, we have to flip, turn and remove the different pieces of the puzzle. This activity provides us with a great connection between our hands and eyes. When a person tries to solve a puzzle, his eyes see the puzzle, his brain provides him with some directions to solve this puzzle, and his hands put the different pieces of the puzzle together.

3) Fine motor skills
These puzzles are also helpful for us to find our motor skills. Its reason is that there require some specialized movements to find the motor skills and these specialized movements are provided by puzzles. These fine motor skills are helpful for a person in various like handwriting.

4) Gross motor skills
There are also some special puzzles which are helpful for us to gross our motor skills. Stacking blocks are the best puzzle to gross our motor skills. This puzzle is usually used for the development of the motor skills of the children.

5) Problem-solving
Problem-solving is an essential form of puzzles. While problem-solving, a child looks at the various pieces and figures and try to get an idea either these pieces fit at a particular place or not. So, a problem-solving puzzle allows us to use our mind to figure out and solve our problems. This kind of puzzle also allows us to think in a logical way.

6) Memory
These puzzles are also helpful for us to improve our memory. For example, while solving a puzzle, we test different pieces in order to get an idea of whether these pieces fit at a particular place or not. If a piece doesn’t fit at a particular place, we try to test it at another place. We remember different pieces of a puzzle. As a result, our memory is enhanced.

A puzzle is also helpful for us to set small goals. Its reason is that while working on a puzzle, a child can find out the best strategy to work on a puzzle in an efficient way.

Albert Barkley

Hello, my name is Albert Barkley. I am working as education consultant with a UK based firm after completion of my PhD. I like to write on different social, tech and education trends.

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